The Gigantic Molten Sulfur Eruption Cmonig to OSAKA!
At Osaka Museum of Natural History
April 24-May 30, 2021
(Closed on May 6 and every Monday except for May 3)
Bet. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Osaka Museum of Natural History
Hello. My name is Mutsunori Yamamoto. I am a science writer and an external
researcher at Osaka Museum of Natural History. I would like to give you
an announce of one of my most interesting and splendid exhibition The Exhibition
of “The Most Singular Volcano in the World” at Osaka Museum of Natural
History held between April 24 and May 30, 2021.
A gigantic amount of reddish brown liquid sulfur, or molten sulfur, was
expelled at the crater on the mountain flank and flowed into a creek with
thunder-like sounds at the Shiretokoiozan Volcano located in the middle
part of the Shiretoko Peninsula in 1936. The creek was completely buried
with solid yellow sulfur. Many people were surprised while observing the
phenomena during the eruption.
I got interested in this special volcano and have researched since my first visit in August 2005. I implemented geological survey, hot spring analysis, volcanic ejecta (sulfur ejecta) survey, Self-potential survey, DC resistivity survey and so on and elucidated the mechanism of the molten sulfur eruption.
When you hear the word “volcano” what would you imagine? 1500 ℃ extremely hot red lava flows or pyroclastic flows? Or phreatic explosions? At the moment you visit and watch this exhibition your imagination of “volcano” would be completely destroyed! This volcano has a “sulfur factory” beside the sulfur eruption crater. This volcano had not been famous. However, this volcano is very special.
I have held this exhibition at Utoro Hokkaido Japan, the nearest town to
this volcano, and Rausu last year and so many people enjoyed the exhibition
and they were astonished! I am so glad to have a chance to produce one
in Osaka. I created two more dioramas so that you may realize how this
molten sulfur eruption was. We also borrowed some specimens from Tokyo
University which were collected during the last eruption.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition!
Mutsunori Yamamoto
Fascinating Kamuiwakka / The secret wild hot spring and sulfur mine ruins
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Reappearance of 1936-molten sulfur eruption by diorama.
Tear-drop sulfur grains created by molten sulfur blown up by explosion at Crater I
Crater I where molten sulfur expelled